Duct Testing and Sealing

Duct Testing and Sealing in Paramus, NJ

Do you use a forced-air distribution system to distribute heating and cooling throughout your living space? If so, you utilize air ducts, which have a very important job to do. What you might not realize is just how much strain is put on your ductwork, and that your air ducts might not be in great shape as a result.

Over the years, natural environmental factors can lead to the degradation of your air ducts. Ductwork can also be compromised during home renovations or construction. As a result, testing ducts and sealing ductwork are two services that you should definitely take into consideration.

Breached ductwork isn't always a super noticeable problem. Hiring a professional to test your ductwork is really the only way to assess the shape they are in. Then if your ductwork is improperly sealed and is leaking in spots, then the professionals at Advanced Mechanical Services can effectively seal them.

Understanding How Professional Duct Testing Works

It’s understandable that our customers don’t know how to test ducts. There are specialized tools, equipment, and experience that are all necessary to adequately preform duct testing, and the subsequent air duct sealing. As we are committed to 100% customer satisfaction, we’re happy to help you learn more about how to test ducts, however this is not a good project for a "do–it–yourself" enthusiast.

When our technicians come to perform our duct testing services, we’ll seal off your system entirely. We’ll close off registers and vents, and attach a calibrated fan to the ductwork that’s used to pressurize the system. At that time, we’ll check for a difference between the pressurization of the ducts and the actual pressure within the ducts to determine if there is a leak.

These services will let us determine if your ductwork does in fact have a leak, and if it does we will advise you on the next best step. Professional duct sealing is typically an adequate solution. However, in some cases duct repair or replacement might be necessary.

How Do You Know if You Need Duct Sealing Services?

Your air ducts are mostly hidden from view. As such, they are hard for you to visually inspect. However, there are a couple of indicators of breached ductwork you can be aware of, which we’ve shared below.

  • Increased Energy Bills: When your ductwork leaks, air gets out of the system before it has the chance to reach its true final destination. This causes your HVAC system to work harder in order to achieve and maintain your desired temperature throughout the home, which drives up your energy costs.
  • Uneven Temperatures: Have you ever noticed hot or cold spots throughout your living space? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that your air quality is declining as pollutants and contaminants make their way into your air ducts. These are both signs of breached ductwork.

What Are the Benefits of Professional Duct Sealing?

Despite what many homeowners believe, store–bought duct tape is inadequately named, and should never be applied to torn or loose ductwork. That task requires special mastic that is only available to the professionals. This mastic hardens and creates a durable seal to leaks and weak points throughout your air ducts. After this process, you’ll be able to enjoy your AC system to its full efficiency.

Also, since your air conditioner won’t be leaking air into unoccupied or unnecessary areas of your Paramus, NJ home, you can keep your living space comfortable with even temperatures throughout. The duct sealing process takes a large amount of stress off of your HVAC system, helping to protect its condition. If you’re ready to schedule a duct sealing appointment, call us today!

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Duct Testing and Sealing

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